Monday, November 8, 2010

A slight change in plans

After a week of teaching Grade 6b, having been told that I was needed for "consistency" until the end of the term, I am now no longer in the class. I am more needed for ESL and Learning Support for the primary and middle school. So, being the flexible person I am, I have switched gears and am working one-on-one with students for whom English is difficult or have other learning issues. I am also learning much about the school; there is a real fly-by-the-seat attitude where sometimes big decisions are made quite spontaneously, for better or worse.

I was sad to leave the grade 6 students. They were really a lot of fun. We were able to talk about it on Friday afternoon and I will continue to work with them to process the loss of their permanent teacher.

Zane made it back last night by taking three buses, having left his car at the chief's house back in the village. He will make the long trek this weekend to recover it and will travel half the way earlier this week to buy the parts with the mechanic. He really had a wonderful attitude about the whole thing and that is one of the things I like about him.

Living here is wonderful. Russ still continues to find school very challenging with certain difficult individuals and teaching within the antiquated, rigid Cambridge system that monopolizes the education systems within the former British empire. So we are taking things one day at a time. But work is only one aspect of our life here, and the rest of it is delightful. We really enjoy our group of friends and have settled in to the routine of getting around here.

We did decide to hire a housekeeper once a week and I do not feel guilty at all. It is just too much to keep up with the dust. Imelda has worked for Zane for years and is from Zimbabwe. I like her a great deal and we are both learning Setswana together.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring!

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